23 January 2008

ej in the dhab

Liz and I made it to the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi for an Elton John show last night... it was gay!

This is the stage next to the palace

as clear as I could take a photo from the back of the lawn

bitch is back!!

For more of my video's, click here.

18 January 2008

running - camels

Liz and I went to see Carlos run the Dubai marathon this morning. Here's our photos:

As you can see, we totally missed all the runners.
We took a day of sleeping in, and then took our time with coffee and by the time we made the 10 minute walk, all the runners were gone... whoops!

And tonight, I finally stopped for a photo I've been meaning to take of a classic camel crossing sign:

13 January 2008

back to W

Back in the Emirates and have been up to a couple things:

Yesterday, Liz and I went to a big market called Global Village which is out on Emirates road on the outer circle of town. It is a collection of markets from countries all over the world. The grounds are only open for about 3 months of the year. They have foods and goods from all corners of Asia... Thailand/Philippians/China/India/Iran/Syria/Lebanon/Palestine/Saudi/Egypt/etc. The grounds also have a bit of a theme park with loads of rides. We ended up getting some seafood from the East Asia section and then some noodles from Thailand... quite the spot!

Everyone's favorite W is in town this week. He started his 2-day visit in Abu Dhabi and visited with the Royal Family. It looks like they got a laugh out of a good bird joke.

George W: Why do humming birds hum?
Sheikh Khalifa: Because they don't know the words!

Since the W is in town and he needs every single road closed, Dubai decided to declare tomorrow a local holiday. It seems as though this is probably the best idea, since Americans and W don't need to add any more reasons for people around here to hate us. Here's a quote from the above article if you didn't click on it: "Motorists had to take alternative routes home and to work on Sunday as traffic came to a crawl due to the closure of some major roads in the city a day before the expected arrival of US President George Bush in Dubai. Indian national Naser Barayil, a General Manager of a Dubai company, said it took him three-and-a-half hours to get through “approximately four kilometers” at midday on Sunday"

Meanwhile, I'm still catching up on work and working every night and am being about as boring as possible. More later!