07 August 2007


Here's some fotos of our place

this is the front of the villa, there is a note on the door, but the sun faded out the words, and no one knows what it says. we stay in the bottom right room:

this next one is of our front yard. you can see that the grass has long died off, even though there are plenty of hoses to water it. you can also see the minaret that is roughly 25 meters from our bedroom:

this is part of our room, my part! the marley conglomerate was my birthday gift this year from myz:

we are in a borough called umm suqueim 2... it's in a pretty sweet spot:

and for a liz update, she scored a job at Stu Williamson Photography & is going to be a coordinator. tis a small company and about at 10 minute walk from home in the 115 degree weather! ask her about her sweaty interview!

we fly to Nairobi tonight, get picked up by a bus and drive 8 hrs to the game park... will hopefully get a picture or two from there. maybe we'll have some stories too... guess you'll have to visit here again to find out!


terra said...

make the bed and take a better picture. still looks like a frat house :)
love, terra

The King said...

terra stole my comment.... and you really need to water that grass :)