29 August 2007

khalas to summer!

Summer is almost over!

That used to be a pretty depressing statement. But recently it is when I'm happiest... lately it's been 110+, with 100% humidity during the days, and only slightly cooler at night.

In a matter of weeks, it's going to cool down to 90's then 80's and stay there for the next 8 months.

Now that it's cooling off, people are starting to arrive in this town. Which means more traffic and more business... but once again like last year, Ramadan happens right after summer, which means 6 hr work days, and no eating in public for a moon cycle.

Ramadan and me get along pretty well. Last year I wasn't sure how I'd like it. But working in an American company in the middle east, they are very lenient... eating and drinking in certain rooms is allowed, and working from home is an option. The maximum of 6 hrs of work a day is also a good perk for that month.

So depending on the moon cycle, we are looking at this all going down in about 15 days. Which means about 2 more hot boring weeks... and then khalas!

Almost every ex-patriot ( and local I suppose) gets the hell outta this place during the summer. It's when everyone wants to visit their homeland, and when the locals want to take their kids ( who are on summer vacation ) to their holiday spots. It's been hard, Liz and I watched most all of our friends leave and come back all refreshed...

This is officially the longest I've been away from the states - going on my 9th month now! I deserve ZERO pity since I got to visit Kenya this summer, but I am still jealous! Other than family, I am missing the summer tours the most!

Speaking of Zero, they're an old band that hasn't toured for a few years... but they are back and on fire... check 'em out sometime... it's too easy to please with Kimock in your line-up.

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