01 August 2007

the first situation

Welcome to the official Adam Thompson blog, the wait is finally over for all things Thompson... and with the first (of many) hints of arrogance out of the way, I'll officially start the ramblings:

I have recently moved from Abu Dhabi to Dubai, and am having loads of fun here already. We've spent our first night of debauchery in the Irish Village, which is the closest thing to drinking in a Western city... with beer gardens, british accents, and tasty John Smith pints at your finger-tips... unfortunately I had to make the 70-minute-drive over to Abu Dhabi the next morning, and I could already feel how fun this next year is going to be.

Our new villa is quite the place as we are two of about 10 people living here: a couple asians, a canadian, an american, and a few young arab dudes, it's sorta like the Real World, except without the annoying texans... with a pool in our yard that liz especially finds useful, and a mosque next door (that first prayer call at 4:30 is something else) - the place is turning out to be a decent find.

Liz has found her 'dubai-self' immediately by being offered two jobs already. She has signed into one, but might possibly switch to the latest sales offer... she's waiting to find out which is the sweeter deal... this is her excited about it:

We are taking a mini-vacation next week to Masai Mara park in Kenya, and are going to be safari-ing & camping right in the heart of the wildlife reserve. With 4 days and 3 nights outdoors, it will be a quick and cheap trip, but we are still pretty excited! A friend-of-a-friend hooked us up with the whole situation, and it was about the easiest-planned trip ever.

and the most recent pics of me:


Unknown said...

Do I see a "boy" in that pic? Careful of your boys!

The King said...

We need to see pics of your new place... I assume your not living here yet?


STS9 at Liberty Hall in Sept! WOO HOO!

Adam said...

pics will come -- i tried earlier and the humidity fogged up my room temp lens pretty good... maybe if i hang outside for a while in the 115 degrees - yeah, maybe not!

The King said...

At least you don't have the humidity... is it the heat or humidity that's a killer? LOL. 94 predicted today w/ 71% humidity... don't you miss this fine midwest weather!

Anonymous said...

You're leaving the 115 degrees to go on a mini-vacation somewhere really nice....Africa. Temperature will be much cooler there. Maybe what...105 degrees?

Adam said...

we unfortunately have 100% humidity most days... which makes things pretty gnarly! we basically sit in the A/C all day

kenya should be about 70's and 80's during this part of the year! a sure welcome! can't wait... we leave tuesday night!